How to better communicate with SMS?
SMS is one of the most effective marketing tools available today. First, it allows you to send multiple messages with a single click and at low cost. Then, more than 95% of text messages are read within minutes of receipt. That’s why many companies choose this communication solution. Let us show you some techniques to use it well.
1. Be clear and concise.
Be clear, direct and concise when communicating via SMS. Your customers or prospects should understand the subject of the message from the first sentence. If possible, do not exceed 3 sentences. Also, use captivating words and terms to hold your readers’ attention. However, be sure to remain polite and courteous. And always follow the rules of grammar and spelling.
2. Send your SMS at the right time.
It is best to send the SMS on Tuesday or Thursday. Studies show that opening rates are higher during these days. As for the hours, you have the choice between several time slots.
- Between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.: it is usually the return to calm after the morning rushes. Recipients therefore have time to open and read your SMS.
- Between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.: Recipients are not yet under end-of-day stress. Thus, they are still in the mood to read text messages.
- Starting at 6 p.m.: Users usually have their phones in hand starting at 6 p.m. That is what the statistics reveal. They have come home from work or school and they are relaxing. So now is a good time to send your SMS.
Nevertheless, find out about the laws regarding sending commercial SMS in the recipient’s country. Indeed, some laws prohibit this between 8:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., and also on Sundays.
3. Be reasonable in the number of SMS sent.
Avoid bombarding your customers with text messages. You might tire them. Whenever possible, do not send more than 4 messages per month. Especially if it is on the same subject.
In addition, send your SMS a few days in advance in case of ephemeral promotion. Your customers will have time to arrange their schedule. You can then send back a small reminder the day before, if necessary.
SMS thus facilitates communication with your customers or prospects. You can use this channel to inform them of your offers and promotions. To invite them to an event or to remind them of an appointment. For best results, send clear, direct, concise and timely messages. Also, don’t be too invasive. At Cocoapp, we offer you a convenient messaging platform adapted to all companies. It allows you to manage your SMS and social media campaigns on a single application. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.